dimecres, d’agost 02, 2006


Estigueu segurs que a mi, per si de cas, no m'hi trobareu mai cap nit...

2 Comentaris:

Blogger AlbertJB ha escrit...

Ostres, gran pel·li de culte! Hehe, molt ben trobat, Hamlet! Salut!

03 d’agost, 2006 21:56  
Blogger èlsinor ha escrit...

Sí, és que Tarantino és molt Tarantino, hehehe...

* * *

Santanico Pandemonium: I'm not gonna drain you completely. You're gonna turn for me. You'll be my slave. You'll live for me. You'll eat bugs because I order it. Why? Because I don't think you're worthy of human blood. You'll feed on the blood of stray dogs. You'll be my foot stool. And at my command, you'll lick the dog shit from my boot heel. Since you'll be my dog, your new name will be "Spot". Welcome to slavery.

Seth: No, thanks. I've already had a wife.

[shoots her]

04 d’agost, 2006 15:36  

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