dissabte, de febrer 04, 2006


Imatge: Vinyeta de El Roto a El País (03/02/2006)

No tots els musulmans són com aquests energúmens que criden, cremen i assassinen en nom d'Al·là i de Mahoma:

Blog Muslim Wake Up! :

Will Muslims Boycott Jordan Next After Jordanian Paper Reprints Cartoons?

Just how far is the anti-cartoon boycott going to go?

Now that newspapers in practically every European country have re-published the offensive caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (Upon whom be peace and blessings), Muslims will soon boycott practically all European products.

And since the cartoons have made it onto the Internet (again... thanks for all the publicity, boycott leaders!), if you are reading this, then you are about to be breaking the boycott of all things online that should be starting... right about... now.

And now we have to start boycotting Muslim countries!

A Jordanian newspaper on Thursday published several of the images.

Al-Jazeera is reporting [Arabic] that the Jordanian weekly, Al-Shihan published the cartoons.

In his opening editorial, the newspaper's editor Jihad Al-Momeni writes:

What hurts Islam more, a foreigner who draws the image of the Prophet, or a Muslim who puts on an explosive belt and commits suicide in the middle of a wedding in Amman or some other place?

The Jordanian government has condemned the newspaper, and the publisher is pulling copies that had been distributed. According to Al-Jazeera, the editor has been suspended pending an investigation.

Posted by ahmed at 04:30 PM Comments (4)

En fi, que, juntament amb la vinyeta d'El Roto, recordem la dita clàssica de Cedant arma togae (Cic. De officiis I, 77).