dimarts, d’agost 15, 2006


Deia l'altre dia l'ararat comentant el meu article sobre el perfum Vulva Original® que "encara no s'ha vist pas tot."

Doncs bé, ací teniu un producte que de segur que, a més de donar-li la raó, vos sorprendrà tant o més: OhMiBod, un vibrador d'estil clàssic que podeu sincronitzar amb un iPod per a seguir el ritme de la vostra música favorita, tot i que també pot usar-se de la forma habitual...
OhMiBod is a sleek, sophisticated new generation of vibrator that combines elegance of design with the excitement of your favorite music. The audio enabled integrated microchip allows the OhMiBod to vibrate to the beat and rhythm of your music while you listen. Measures 5 1/2" long (insertable) and 1 1/8" in diameter. OhMiBod comes with an additional multi-speed endcap for use without an iPod or music player. It really is 2 products in one! Our motor provides strong yet quiet, intense rhythmic vibrations. With polished chrome detail and pearl white body this product is the ultimate iPod acsexsory!

Why is the music component so important? Listening to your favorite sexy music and actually feeling the corresponding vibes quickly transports you to a place where music, mind and body truly "come" together. The range and intensity of the vibrations are endless, creating a dynamically sensational experience never felt before!

Ah, i només costa 69$ (i no, el preu no és cap conya meua)!

Ja m'ho contareu...

[Via IBLNews]

1 Comentaris:

Blogger AlbertJB ha escrit...

Caram, Èlsinor... al final pensaré que ets una mica freak... :-(

16 d’agost, 2006 03:01  

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